Contact Me



Feedback is always appreciated. I freely take and answer questions.
Artwork is available on request and is free for Academic non-profit institutions and educative organisations.  I have also some old originals and prints for sale. I’m also available for commissions, talks, events and exhibitions.

The main source of current artwork for exhibitions is Gondwana Studios (, Silver Plume Exhibitions (, and the StoneCompany.

You can contact me and book Gondwana Studios traveling exhibitions here

Please note that I am the copyright holder of all artwork and images on this site and these should not be taken or reproduced without permission.

5 Responses to Contact Me

  1. Hola Luis!!! Fue todo un honor conocerte ayer. cada vez me convenzo más de que la ilustración es el mejor camino para hablar de ciencia y hacer ciencia. Muchas gracias por mostrarnos tu trabajo.
    Te dejo mi pagina de Facebook, para mostrarte mi trabajo, que aún no es mucho, pero espero ir creciendo cada vez más.
    Atte: Aldo

  2. Roland Gangloff says:

    Hola Luis!
    Long time no see or talk with you. I am retired from the University of Alaska and live in beautiful Sonoma, California. Judy Scotchmoor, my wife, and I no longer attend SVP or PS meetings. We do still work with the University of California Museum of Paleontology in Berkeley. I keep my hand in the dinosaur business and research, but no fieldwork.
    I have published a major paper in PALIOS in 2010 and had my book on Alaska and Arctic dinosaur research by Indiana University Press–have you seen this?
    I continue to write poetry and have finished a novel and my memoir. I also keep busy with local non-profits such as mentoring Hispanic students.
    Feliz Ano Nuevo! Please give Carmen a big hug.
    All the best,
    Rolando Gangloff

    • luisvrey says:

      Dear Roland… it’s been such a long time! Thank you for your note. I haven’t seen your paper, but would very much like to read it. Neither of us has gone to SVP recently, and we miss so much the exchange and camaraderie of the old days. I keep active as you can see and I have just published my latest book Extreme Dinosaurs Pt. 2 The Projects. My latest trips always go around Mexico and palaeontology is very much alive and thriving there! I will pass Carmen your regards… many thanks once again. Hope we can keep in touch. Happy New Year… wherever we might be!

  3. timlees says:

    Just discovered your blog. Wonderful pictures. I wonder if they were really this colorful? If not, they should have been! Great work!

    • luisvrey says:

      Is Nature colourful? And if so… were dinosaurs birds or reptiles?… if so they most probably had colour vision… why not have them in reasonable colour patterns? Forget Jurassic Park I’d say! 🙂

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