Getting Back From Mexico is always hard work!

Not only it is difficult to leave behind so much rich exchanging with so many lovely people, but I had left with pending work here, and on top , everytime I come from my alternative “home” I have some marvels to customise too… it has been customising week(s) people! I had to keep track of every update.

This time as usual I brought some good stuff from Hector Munive, Yeuehcauhceratos here pictured… modified partly by me, but hey… I like to keep things personal!

On top of that, the legendary CDMX shop “Tienda de Dinosaurios” , that has a prominent stall in what is anyone’s toy dream-place (or nightmare spending on your mental state) called “Rock Show”, with its zillions of models, street stalls and sweaty customers, and two prominent dinosaur model stalls, including one by the devoted Arturo PC. with which I did some very good exchanges, “Tienda” has commercialised a fine display miniature piece called “Combate Eterno”, that portray the most famous predation scene in the fossil record: Velociraptor vs Protoceratops. The sculpt is fine but unfortunately I was baffled by the colour scheme… completely the reverse of what the fossil really is! . So customising it was a good start on my return… and a good complement to the finished 1/10 version of “Dinosauria Creatures’ fine restoration of the battle… my palette of colours again at work! So much fun and so dynamic!

Dinosauria Creatures continues to do great. great work and I managed to give my 1/35 version of the same battle as a gift to the eponymous Isaac Camacho for his birthday… the man that at the age of 13 has managed to already create a whole alien planet (and its ecology, in detail) and wisely >still< prefers dinosaurs… and expertly talk about it!… a LOT! Here we are under Splintersaurus Spinosaurus in Saltillo, Coahuila. Keep going Isaac!

Coming back to Dinosauria Creatures, I had several kits pending to finish… one of them (personal favourite) was a fight of two very hormonal male Camaraaurus … I spent a good deal of time trying to find a colour scheme that would surprise (or enrage) everybody… this time making use of my new iridescent palette… I thought, if Prehistoric Planet got away with serial inflatables along the neck… why not colour patterns that would be just as changing and outrageous…

The iridescent patterns were also put to use my new Dinosauria Creatures couple: Ceratosaurus and Kentrosaurus... more experimental than anything else! Customising is my way of experiment with colours lately.

Long live 3D Printing and good sculpt artists… now I just need to change profession once again… and the task will be completed!

Posted in Customising models, Dinosaurs, Diorama, Paleoart, Sauropods, Toy Models, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The EAVP experience… and a big thank you!

I have never cared very much about country or nationality… but I do know when I find home! And it is precisely in meetings like this that I find the niche I crave for all the time.

Well organised and generous, no-pressure, multinational and multicultural it has become a truly European event where unbridled Science and specifically Palaeontology has found a safe place. Now that the Covid nightmare has gone away, for a while at least, the venues are opening again and the rest flows easily.

Wondertful entourages from Greece, Italy, Scotland and Catalonia were prominent. I even had a very enlightening talk with Sanjukta Chakravorti about the hazards and difficulties to be a prominent woman palaeontologist in India,

This is my first brush with Sabadell, Barcelona since we did Gondwana StudiosHatching The Past precisely at the same venue some eight years ago… this time however I was invited to give a talk in a big auditorium…. needless to say I was a little rusty and not extremely satisfied with my performance but the wonderful audience made for it and I never felt uncomfortable… they got the message, I’ve been told!

So comfortable were we that our little stall with posters and books was a gathering place for many fantastic discussions and extremely interesting talks… including a stream of dozens of young Palaeontologists that came to tell me how the grew up with old books…like Random Houses’s “Dinosaurs The Ultimate Encyclopaedia” (are you listening Thom Holtz?… we are growing old!) or the Gee/Rey Field Guide to Dinosaurs…. if we managed to inspire all these already grown-ups aces into getting into Palaeontology, well, my mind can rest easy for a while… that is what we have been working for all these years!

The stream or fvisitors were also treated to some figures from Dinosauria Creatures that I have been customising lately… and were baffled to see some of the posters reflected very faithfully in the models. Needless to say, the auction was an obligatoruy attraction… although it was indeed swealtery!… I have to say we were well-fed all along the meeting!

Apart from our own personal success, all in all a success between the presentations and the Posters (incredibly informative and many new dinosaurs showcased). ,So thank you Carmen Nacarino-Meneses and Soledad Esteban and her worldwide known “Transmitting Science” courses entourage, for the invitation and hospitality… and all those that made us live yet another unforgettable including Bernat Vila, Angel Galobart, Jeff Liston, Dr. Christian Klug, Filippo Bertozzo, Chara, Darío, Marc (Sole”s son) and so many that I can’t name all. All of you was what made our stay extremely worthy…. and of course, Carmen Naranjo, recently upgraded to “Bionic Woman”, whose help would be invaluable with broken arm and everything!

.These meetings area beacon of light in the middle of so much fake news, nationalism. bigotry, misinformation and disunion… and as Soledad would say:

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Dinosaur rEvolution… in the process of revamping… a dream come true!

A sneak preview of the new revamped Dinosaur rEvolution... the one that did the rounds in Australia and New Zealand… only this time with some special guests…

You might remember him? Well, I must admit animatronics have never been my favourite thing… but our Gondwana Studios exhibition needed to be children-friendly and the demand was there, right where it is going to start in Europe: the Horniman Museum, London in February 2024… We needed to have some. Thankfully this time our Chinese partners were listening to some of our instructions and… I had to smile when I saw the progress of this old friend of mine… the female Deinonychus.

Our friends in Chine were familiar with the Jurassic Park critters, but when we instructed them that their arms were more like prospective wings and sent quite a few different sketches… well.. there were difficulties conveying what we needed.

Amazingly enough the first thing they got right was a full head portrait of my female Deinonychus… it might look a bit a caricature, but… I don’t know you… I find it charming!

I had to share this to wet appetites… there are going to be many more surprises in this exhibition…!

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The spinosaurid saga continues. Now it’s a new look for enigmatic Irritator challengeri!

We are all aware of the debates about Spinosaurus, the biggest fish eater dinosaur the world has ever seen (insert smile here)… now things take a new twist with a reappraisal of the South Amerrican, Brazilian spinosaur Irritator challengeri...

Gondwana was the land of the spinosaurs. Irritator has been reconstructed many times, mostly with a Baryonyx-like body and Angaturama skeletal elements but it has never been seen like this. A long time ago I did a reconstruction of a Spinosaurus with a big fish sticking out of its jaws expanding the lower jaw sideways as a pelican would do… the new study of Irritator

A reappraisal of the cranial and mandibular osteology of the spinosaurid Irritator challengeri (Dinosauria: Theropoda)

Marco Schade, Oliver W. M. Rauhut, Christian Foth, Olof Moleman, and Serjoscha W. Evers

…apparently shows that I wasn’t r speculating too much and indeed, Irritator could “do the Pelican” with kinetic jaws that could be expanded sideways… I wouldn’t go all the way and separate completely the tip of the lower jaws as in some reconstructions I’ve seen, but the capability of expansion was there for sure.

Not much is known from the rest of the skeleton of Irritator, but some speculate now that even Spinosaurus itself was capable of doing such expansion, so I think it might be possible that Irritator was similar in other ways too. More like Spinosaurus than Baryonyx. This resulted in this extraordinary looking animal!

You can see here the evolution of the image. Adding a mid-sized sail was reasonable at the end… and to make it even more extreme, I decided to cover the heads with protofeathers, enhancing the pelican look. You have three versions here… your choice!

Posted in Spinosaurs, Theropods, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

The extraordinary paleoart of 余国梁 (Passion Charger) … and my relation with it!

Growing up as a budding surrealist, I remember with a smile that Alejandro Jodorowsky, my mentor in the seventies, dedicated a phrase to my work: “If it is not excessive is not genius”… well, this amply applies to the work of 余国梁 , a Chinese paleo 3D artist that creates signature dramatic model kits that suits just fine to my dramatic personae, and he is known in the internet (on top of everything) as “Passion Charger”! Not since my collaboration with the excellent Charlie Mc Grady in olden days I have found something that really entices me this way.

First time I saw his models I felt immediately identified with his style (because he DOES have a peculiar style that will always stands out from the rest, sometimes warts and all!)… so I have dedicated a good number of hours to customise several of his models… respecting the work, but sometimes adding details and colours that turn the whole thing into a kind-of collaboration. He liked my extravagance but at the beginning I’m sure he was utterly surprised by the flaming colours and the fact that I even changed skin textures (Tarbosaurus is now feathered too) and added kinetic feathers to his magnificent moving Therizinosaurus guarding its nest.

He never expected to see a titanosaur with that palette and much less the Acrocanthosaurus and Tenontosaurus pair… I enquired about the 1/20 version of the Argentinosaurus but he told me that would take the animal to be one meter long… and the work is normally in solid resin… just imagine!

His latest work has taken me at least 12 hours a day of work during a week and a half… frantic! But you have to admit, there is no better, more fantastic, dramatic recreation of Spinosaurus anywhere! Spinosaurus is startled by beautiful Carcharodontosaurus, and the animal dynamics are astounding… but not only that, Passion Charger is overly ambitious with his scenarios…he is always going over the top adding more and more details surrounding his already scrumptiousfigures. I must admit… his scenarios are many times more complex to build and paint than the figures themselves… and he can go over the top with the extras too! This time it’s a river scene, resin water planks included, with half the scenario under that “water”! Contemporary coelacanth Mausonia and Onchopristis fishes are added to the scene… and even a turtle recreated to the maximum detail! If you consider the size of the carnivores, these fishes were simply enormous and the diorama can’t possibly reflect the real size of the whole thing.

I selected some colours from my own illustrations to go with his creations… and the Carcharodontosaurus tentatively looks like a hippo coupled with a vulture… while the Spinoisaurus is simply a recreation of an old classic, now with the right proportions and posture.

If it is not excessive is not genius… and certainly Passion Charger is! We definitively have quite a bit in common. Mostly accurate at the levels of anatomy… even if sometimes taking some risks and liberties…Sometimes outlandish, always over the top. extremely daring and creative. I support Passion Charger and I encourage everybody to do so.

Posted in African Prehistory, Carnosaurs, Dinosaur colouration, Dinosaur Models, Dinosaurs of Africa, Diorama, Giganotosaurs, Museum Displays, Original Art, Paleoart, Spinosaurs, therizinosaurs, Theropods, tyrannosaurs, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Tears, sweat and blood… the saga of making a life-sized Velociraptor skeleton.

The process of learning is continuous and endless… and this one was too special to miss. It had been one of my greatest ambitions to built a complete life-size Velociraptor skeleton, bone by bone.

I jumped at the opportunity when I was offered a printed 3D skeleton. I thought it would be straightforward and it came recommended… little did I know that my problems would start even before beginning to build… I got >most< of the skeleton but, to my horror many bones were not there when I got it… and they were key bones… couldn’t build the skeleton with virtually missing most of the hands and feet, no tibias and an incomplete tail. That is indeed a lot of missing bones!

On top of everything: I was provided with NO instructions… just imagine trying to compare every single vertebrae by shape and guess a sequence without guidance . Building on such limited information seemed impossible! I finally found that what I have been offered was available somehow in the site “Cults” that has plenty of 3D files at very reasonable prices… at last I could start comparing with something tangible. Since I do not have any paper with full description of each of the Velociraptor vertebrae, at least I could start guessing by comparing them visually. Not the easiest of tasks! Having the pieces originally numbered would have been dead easy!

So, I started with what I had… that is obviously the skull, thoracic plates and part of the arms. Hands were incomplete but came soon enough.

Next was to try to find professional printers that would do the printing seriously and professionally… I’m not giving names (I might have been unlucky) but I found out that most of the approached didn’t dare and cancelled the order just when I thought they would do the job: the pieces were very light and fragile… the vertebral processes of the tail, both vertebrae and chevrons of the stiff part of the tail were as thin as needles in places… All this meant more waste of time,.

So what I thought would be a cheaper, straightforward process has taken months and much more effort than what I expected. Every time I managed to get a missing bit I ran and try to get it going… I had to cover and polish a lot of the printed bones with epoxy putty to fix some of the errors… the 3D printed material can be very brittle and flawed in the printing, especially if you are trying to use cheaper material.

The last and more elaborate part (the end of the tail) had to be printed entirely in liquid white resin (the rest has been fibrous materials that are too brittle for those vertebrae)… that was the only way the processes had the strength to be bent without breaking them (although as you can imagine. many broke!). Fortunately I had a glue from England that is miraculously fast and resistant (and resistant)… I don’t know what I would do without Mitre Bond! Recommended!

When I finally had the tail, getting into resin “macrame” was close to be an ordeal…I’was not even quite sure if some of the vertebrae were in the correct places… Sounds insane but, I had to “feel them” click and fight with the chevrons to fit afterwards, sometimes using a sharp knife to clean the pieces!… Weaving with resin strands is something else.

When I finished it, that was the last part to be inserted in the extremely fragile skeleton. To my horror, it was a bit too heavy for the rest of the skeleton and some bones started to crack.. High drama! … .I called my friend Juanvi to weld a base that could support the virtually floating skeleton with its tail without breaking! He did a splendid job.

And suddenly there he was… a dream come true in plain Raptor attack mode!

The painting process was furious and fast… such a release! I tried to convey the colours of the original Velociraptor fossils that are normally creamy white with a terracotta soil background. I reached a compromise, but that doesn’t mean it is quite finished yet!

Here you can see the comparison between the mounted skeleton and the old McGrady/Rey fleshed out mode, that I always thought had the ideal proportions for a life-sized Velociraptor.. However, the skeleton is bigger than the model and the proportions are also quite dissimilar. Arms and tail are smaller, the skull is bigger and legs are longer. What it means to have more than 20 years of difference between them. I still find that the skeleton is much bigger than most Velociraptor fossils I know in any case… it may be a different species.. I also have a partial Gaston cast that shows definitively a smaller animal… I suppose we should give a critical appraisal of this skeleton and see what is the source … I suspect ithe proportions are taken from Scott Hartman’s new reconstructions…

I still find the whole affair an extremely rewarding experience.

Posted in Dinosaur Models, maniraptora, Raptors, Uncategorized, velociraptor | Tagged , , , | 6 Comments

Vintage Sale..! The Old New Chinese Revolution originals are up for auction!

From all the original artwork I did at the end of the 1990’s and beginning of the 2000’s, no other are dearer to my heart than the New Chinese Revolution Saga (1 to 4). They have been protagonists of several famous books including “Extreme Dinosaurs” (Luis V Rey Chronicle Books), the Gee/Rey “Field Guide To Dinosaurs” (Quarto Publishing), “Dinosaurs, The Ultimate Encyclopedia” by Holtz/Rey (Random House), “Extreme Dinosaurs Part 2, The Projects” and many more. I have used these originals in many exhibitions over the world, from the US to Mexico to England, Copenhagen and Italy. One of the last ones were in TetZoo in 2019. Digital murals of them are still part of our exhibitions with Gondwana Studios, like Hatching The Past and Dinosaur rEvolution (coming soon to the Horniman Museum in London).

No digital copies or murals this time: the items for sale are the very originals… I have decided to put them for auction on eBay too!

The printed pictures have never done them real justice. I remember showing the first New Chinese Revolution original painting to the staff at Dorling Kindersley in London around the early 2000’s… it was the beginning of the computer generated art and it was starting to be ubiquitous. I remember the people touching the originals feeling the texture as if it was something done in another planet! They are acrylics and inks on cardboard, in a mixed-media style that includes airbrush and an assortment of other techniques, including a unique use of acrylic “relief” that is impossible to appreciate when published. They are also sizeable: 75 X 55 cm. approximately.

These were a real part of the late Dinosaur Renaissance, immediately after we had the hard evidence for dinosaur feathers from the Yixian, Liaoning Province. They were a real tribute to my own personal dreams and science quest come true, and include some of the first depictions of a unique fauna like never revealed before in those ages… the then still not well known Beipiaosaurus, the more famous Caudipteryx, Sinosauropteryx, Confuciusornis, Jeholornis, Jixiangornis and the first depiction of the quilled Psittacosaurus as bone scavenger ever. Most of the art has aged fairly well in science terms, I think. Some, like Microraptor, look like relics… we still didn’t have the evidence for colours in those ages! And the depiction of Epidendrosaurus as a grub eater is still not found very often. It might have been a relative of Yi Qi!

They are in mint condition. If you want a piece of paleo art history now is the opportunity! They are searching for a good home that will appreciate them… As special offer, you can also contact me via email or message me here, in case you would like to purchase all four of them and we could reach an agreement!

Some extra details of the originals…

Posted in Auction, Birds, Book Projects, Caudipteryx, Dinosaur colouration, Dinosaur Renaissance, Dinosaur rEvolution, Extreme Dinosaurs Pt.2 The Projects, Gondwana Studios, maniraptora, Original Art, Paleoart, Sinosauropteryx, TetZoo.Con, The New Chinese Revolution (Parts 1 to 4), Uncategorized, Yi Xian Fauna | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Customising dinosaur toy atrocities… and taking to the streets in CDMX.

You wander around a shop or market anywhere…and suddenly… there it is: yet another modern-day dinosaur toy atrocity! Yes, this time another Schleich model, a label that is famous for its deranged, schizo dinosaurs (c’mon, not because “it’s for children” you shouldn’t be more careful!)… There’s obviously more than one designer in the company… and this new atrocity belongs to a series from the same designer.

And yet… just looking at it I saw possibilities that appealed to me… I had to rise to the challenge. I have a passion for these things (like James Pascoe would say…) … and when I saw this figure. I thought “this might just end up becoming a bearable model”.

A camel,-legged short-snout badly finished Edmontosaurus that boasts even a well-informed, late-minute head crest pretending to be “accurate” ?! You bet! Let’s get the scalpel… or the Dremel, whatever you prefer!

Then it’s epoxy putty time!… Wanted to add a big big nose to my Edmontosaurus this time.

And finally, paint time… it makes all the difference.

Customising models can be serious business for so many great artists… Take for example my next project… here’s just a taste of it… while waiting for the tail and legs to be added. This will be subject of another blog post when it’s finished… and is becoming a gruelling, but a long-time dream of mine… a life-sized Velociraptor bone by bone.

In the meantime, I leave you with the treat of some street art that needs no commentary… except an earthy ‘thank you’ to anybody that’s done it… finally Tlatolophgus, Angel Ramírez and… myself are taking to the streets in Mexico City! Pictures courtesy of Google Maps!… this is really beyond fun…

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The quest for a different looking Tyrannosaurus face…

I think we have seen them all… from the ubiquitous bare teeth grin, to the sedated, solemn face of the T. rex from Prehistoric Planet.

In my quest for a new look for Tyrannosaurus I would like to start 2023 with a portrait of Stan that would defy convention and make him more avian than ever. I have tried it before but not to this extent: instead of having an extensively scaly snout, it has now a full horny coverage that is more like a beak… and these are the results… might be successful or not, but I had to try once again.

Yes, the toothy T rex is gone and for good reason. Every possible skull (including Stan) have the teeth virtually out of their sockets and, when you closely examine the teeth themselves, the enamel traces show very clearly what part was “out” or “in” the gums… as it happens most of the teeth were inside soft tissue and the roots were enormous. So much for the “banana” teeth grin… still the thickness and power of those teeth were bone crunching remarkable. Quite a few of them would show for sure, but not like the earlier reconstructions.

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NEWS… a week of frantic activities: after the return to the Geology Museum in Mexico, now the return to TetZoo in London and a South American Paleoart Convention!

How long was it since at the last up close and personal TetZoo Meeting in London? 3 years, four years? I’m starting to show my age… but never forget the importance of being present and interact in person. I’m looking forward to meet all those friends that I have seen only by Zoom all this time!

So if anyone else wants to meet we will be >in person< at:

Contact Darren Naish at

Bush House
30 Aldwych
London, WC2B 4BG

I’m preparing to bring a good chunk of recent material that has not been published yet, and some of it is in progress… not even finished! However I will also be bringing plenty of copies of Extreme Dinosaurs Part 2... a very important chronicle of all the exhibitions I have been part in the last years.

But before all that… I’ll be appearing on Wednesday 30 at the:

Check your local times… everybody probably lives somewhere far away … so if you can and are interested, please do check when it is convenient for you and we will surely meet trans-oceanically in an interesting discussion about what has happened to the dinosaur iconic image after all these years… and what will happen in the future if we are not careful!

In the meantime I’m preparing myself and having fun constructing a life-size Velociraptor skeleton from scratch at my studio… vertebrae by vertebrae… a puzzle that I wasn’t expecting! Yes… anatomy is >my< thing!

As special news, I can announce that Dinosaur rEvolution will be at the Horniman Museum in February 2024… yes,Gondwana Studios is finally bringing it to Europe and we are searching for more venues. It might also be going to Mexico and America but for the time being the exhibition is being refurbished and revamped to an extent never see before.

See you all on Wednesday, Saturday and/or Sunday!

Posted in Casts, Deinocheirids, Dinosaur Familier, Dinosaur rEvolution, Dinosaurs, EXTREME DINOSAURS II. THE PROJECTS, Extreme Dinosaurs Pt.2 The Projects, Gondwana Studios, Museum Displays, Palaeontology Meetings, TetZoo.Con, Uncategorized, velociraptor | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments