A Predation or Scavenging Scene?

Among the fossils that are all the rage these days is the famous “gigantic” Repenomamus Cretaceous mammal entangled with a Psittacosaurus, in what is apparently a battle to the death… rivaling the famous Velociraptor and Protoceratops battle from the Gobi desert. However, it has also been proposed that we are seeing a mammal famous for having bones of little psittacosaurs in its belly in some of its fossils, scavenging the carcass of an adult or subadult psittacosaur, As we know Repenomamus was a giant for its age, being the size and shape of (roughly) a badger…. to follow the controversy I decided to do two “ambitious angle” versions… a ferocious predation scene and a scavenging scene… which one would you prefer? It is a rather daring view… but what are we here for?

Dedicated to Isaac… he wanted it, he got it!

See the article here:https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/mammals-preyed-on-much-larger-dinosaurs-a-stunning-new-fossil-reveals/#:~:text=Based%20on%20the%20size%20of,times%20larger%20than%20its%20assailant.http://Scientific American

In the forthcoming Gondwana Studio‘s Dinosaur rEvolution exhibition at the Horniman Museum in London (February), I will also have this update of a previous artwork, with the hypothetical notion that all the hatchling psittacosaurs were fully quilled but didn’t have the double fan of porcupine-like quills that is so familiar to us via the famous, very complete Psittacosaurus fossil that sported quills, skin and organic impressions preserved.

About luisvrey

Paleo Illustration
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1 Response to A Predation or Scavenging Scene?

  1. palpatine505 says:

    Excellent! I always love these natural history scenes.

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